General Form of Wild Thing:

  1. Start in a Downward Facing Dog Pose with your feet together.  Lift your right leg up as if you were freeing it from the earth.  Lift it high.  Let the right hip open freely.  Let your right knee bend and reach your foot toward the left side of the room.  This might be as wild as you want to get.  And that is cool.
  2. To go deeper take the right foot all the way down to the floor behind you.  As that foot drops to the floor, the right hand will lift off the floor.  Keep that right arm straight and stretching alongside your head as you flip your hips, belly, and chest to face the sky.
  3. Your left foot will have to pivot to the outside edge.  Try and turn the foot all the way so the toes point to the back wall.
  4. Push down with your feet.  Lift your hips and your heart.
  5. Take three to five deep breaths here.  Flip back into your down dog, as gracefully as possible.  It takes a couple tries.  Then repeat on other side.

Common Misalignment:

  1. Use the hand that’s on the earth mindfully.  This means you are not dumping weight into your wrist.  Spread your weight into the finger mounds and finger tips.
  2. As you are flipping your hips to the sky, be sure to keep them up high.  Don’t let the hips drop too low during the transition because it will compromise the stability of the supporting shoulder.